We live in St. Louis City and this is our third year gardening. We have two raised beds in our backyard,
and use the Square Foot Gardening Method.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Getting Smart

Decided to start dehydrating earlier this year: Basil, Parsley, and Dill.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

96 Degrees in the Shade! Water those plants!

Small Bed: This best has two variety of cucumbers, two kinds of peppers, two kind of beans, two kinds of lettuce. Lots of herbs too: Basil, Parsley, Cilantro, Dill, Pineapple sage, oregano, and cat nip. Newly planted yesterday: Strawberries!

Herbs and Lettuce taste great!  Cucumbers and Pole beans starting to pop up!
Donated Tomatoes from Sam's dad and Annie's garden.  Really going to town!!!

The larger bed has all of our tomatoes. We also planted two zucchini plants, giving
them each much more room than last year. We also have broccoli and bell peppers in there.

Big Bed
